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Committee Meetings

The Board of Trustees has established three standing committees (Finance & Investment Committee, Personnel Committee and Communications & Public Relations Committee) that will meet throughout the year to discuss related topics which may be presented to the Board for discussion and action. 

The locations of these meeting will vary.  They may meet at any one of the District's three cemeteries or possibly at a non-District facility.  Also, there are no set dates or time for these meetings.  The agenda will list the location, date and time of the meeting

Below are the agenda packets that have been provided to the committee members for the last two years.  Upcoming agendas will be posted on the website at least 72 hours prior to the posted meeting time. 

If you would like copies of the Committee agenda, you may access them by clicking below.  If you are having trouble accessing the links below, please feel free to contact the Assistant General Manager, Mary Funk at (949) 951-9102, extension 110.